Painters Local Keywords

30 local Keywords Painting Companies Should Use For SEO

We gathered the Top 30 Keywords Painting Companies should use for SEO their business to rank. If there isn’t a suitable keyword attached to your painting projects. You would lose out on visitors who could have been a customer. The right words may open up new opportunities by bringing attention to yourself as well as potential clients who would otherwise not click on your content because your website wasn’t optimized properly (keyword optimization). 

Your Painting company is an art form that can be utilized in many different ways. You might be wondering what is SEO and how can it benefit your business. If you are aware of what SEO is and how can it help your business better perform check out this informative article. To make your work visible on the internet, you need to optimize it for keywords so Google and other search engines know the displaying information!

limeristix Keyword SEO & SEM

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are the building blocks of SEO. Keywords are usually short containing a few words as a search phrase. They tell search engines and people what the content or pages on your website are focused on. They represent what your website is all about, and can be used to rank it higher in search engines like Google or Bing if done correctly! For example: if your painting website offers interior painting services, it’d be a good practice to have a page specifically about interior painting that naturally includes interior painting-related search terms on the same content. 

The right keywords are crucial to the success of your website and business. In the old days, it was effective to have “exact match” key phrases on the page but search engines now understand all variations so you need a user-friendly sounding variation, don’t ever try to stuff or force the keywords into a sentence and sound unnatural try “interior painter CT” instead for natural implementation which is critical to the success of your business.

Here is an example if you are a local painter in Connecticut and you do business in a certain location you would display the keyword as painters in Waterbury, CT. This is crucial to your painting company’s Local SEO because of the intent that goes along with this keyword phrase. If someone types in “painters in Waterbury, CT” they are scouting the market for a local company to come to paint their house in Waterbury, Connecticut. Optimizing your website with the right keywords ultimately reinforces the user’s intent and makes your website relevant in the search engine’s eyes, leading to more sales. Painting companies typically should choose keywords that are local and relevant

Why Do Painting Companies Need local Keywords?

As a business, your painting company has to be systematic about the way you market your services. Having a good ranking on Google, DuckDuckGo & Bing begins with finding the best keywords. These are the words or phrases that potential customers will use when they are looking for companies like yours on Google & Yahoo.

There are many tools available to painters to find keywords. Some of these tools are free and some require payment. A personal favorite keyword tool is Ahref. This is a powerful inexpensive tool that helps you determine the right keywords to choose.

How to Pick the best Painting Keywords

To find the best keywords, you should look for terms that have a high search volume (the number of people looking at this keyword every month) and keyword difficulty (the difficulty in ranking for the keyword). Other great tools and software for picking keywords include tools like SEMrush, Ubersuggest, and MOZ.

If you don’t have the time or don’t want to pay for any of these keyword tools, there is a basic Blueprint you can use to pick your local SEO keywords. The blueprint: service name + target location preferably a city to narrow it down to local (ex: exterior painter Waterbury, CT ). By following this Blueprint, painters in Waterbury, CT can choose keywords that will help them rank higher on Google and attract more potential customers.

How Much Should You Use Your Targeted Keyword?

search-engine-optimization SEO keyowrds

One way to do this is by using keywords throughout your site. However, you don’t want to overdo it with the keywords. If you unnaturally Cram a page with the same keyword again and again, Google will catch on to this pattern and potentially penalize your website giving it a boot from ranking for that particular keyword. Only use the keyword when it’s naturally applicable.

Search engines have grown to the point where Keyword stuffing isn’t as important as User Experience, and to Google, cramming keywords onto a page looks disgusting and can actually hurt User experience as Google has implemented an algorithm to catch websites (it is usually an animal Name Google Uses for the algorithm). It’s for this reason that there is no clear number to the number of times a keyword should or could be used on a page but rather as many times as the keyword can organically be implemented without looking or sounding forced.

Top 30 Painting Company Keywords To Use

Here are 30 of the best keywords to target for your painting website:

  1. painter city
  2. painting city
  3. painters in city
  4. painting in city
  5. painting company city
  6. painting company in city
  7. residential painting city
  8. interior house painting city
  9. interior painting city
  10. interior kitchen painting city
  11. interior pantry painting city
  12. interior cabinet painting city
  13. interior bedroom painting city
  14. interior bathroom painting city
  15. interior garage painting city
  16. interior living room painting city
  17. interior wallpaper installation city
  18. interior wallpaper removal city
  19. interior popcorn ceiling removal city
  20. exterior painting city
  21. exterior house painting city
  22. commercial painting city
  23. commercial painters city
  24. painting company location city
  25. house painting city
  26. house painters city
  27. deck and fence painting city
  28. medical facilities painting city
  29. small business painting city
  30. restaurant painting city

Main Painting Keywords

keywords are a crucial part of your website, no matter what industry you work in. Whether you are a Painter, Plumber, Lawyer, Dentist, Cannabis, or Real Estate company choosing the right keywords can make or break your website Local SEO, resulting in money lost or money gained – so choose wisely!